60 min-$95/$105
90 min- $120/$155
60 min-$95/$105
90 min- $120/$155
Hot Stone /Hot Bamboo Massage $115
Penetrating heat from smoothed, oiled, warmed stones is used to relieve tense muscles and sore joints. Combined with Swedish techniques, this creates for an unforgettable relaxing experience.
Compression Therapy $45
Compression therapy involves wearing inflatable sleeves that apply pressure to the legs. This pressure helps prevent blood from pooling in the veins and reduces fluid buildup, which can alleviate pain and swelling.
Helps blood flow back to the heart, reducing swelling and discomfort. Alleviates pain associated with poor circulation and swelling. Reduces the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in immobile patients. Assists in the healing of leg ulcers and other wounds.
Reflexology $95
Reflexology is an effective way to reduce stress, pain, and anxiety, and can also improve circulation while helping to restore your body’s natural balance.
Detox Services
Ionic Foot Detox $50
An ionic foot detox machine is a modern energy therapy device which balances the body's natural energy system creating a positive cellular environment and enabling the body's natural detoxification processes to function at their peak.
Raindrop Technique $95 w/own kit
$135 without kit
Nine essential oils applied to feet, back, and the use of vibratory tone promoting emotional and physical balance; support the immune system; reduce chronic pain, stress and anxiety.
**8 sessions are recommended to see positive outcome with purchase of kit**